Sweet Hour of Prayer #6: Intercession

I Titus 2:1-2

What time is it on our prayer clock? It is 6:00 o'clock. We have come to a very powerful and very important aspect of prayer: intercession. Intercession is where we pray for others.

In our text this evening, Paul instructs Timothy on prayer and includes that intercession should be made "...For all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority". In 1Pe. 2:5, Peter writes that we are an "holy priesthood". The function of a priest is to intercede to the Lord on behalf of others.

Certainly intercession involves praying for the sick and hurting families and friends, but the scope of our intercession should take in the whole world. This is God's way of allowing us to be involved in His work around the world. When we intercede we forget about our personal needs and we focus all of our faith and attention on the needs of others.

We may not be able to travel to far off lands and tell people about Christ, but we can get involved through making intercession for them! There are four claims that we can make in intercessory prayer for the world.

I. Claim Workers for the Harvest.

II. Claim Open Doors.

III. Claim Fruit That Will Remain.

IV. Claim a Strong Base of Support for the Missionary.

This is a vital part of our prayer life. As we take time to pray for others, let's not forget that God intends for us to make intercession for all men...everywhere!