Eternal Worship

Revelation 4:1-11

Tonight I want to conclude our series of messages on worship. We are familiar with the hymn, "There is a Fountain Filled with Blood". One of the lines says this, "When this poor lisping, stammering tongue lies silent in the grave, then in a nobler, sweeter song I'll sing Thy power to save!" That speaks of the topic for this evening's lesson, 'Eternal Worship'.

God created us for worship. The Scripture clearly says in Ps.150:6, "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD!" However, our praise will not stop when our breath is gone. Even when the breath that fills our lungs has elapsed, even when the tongue that forms the words lies silent, even when our vocal chords and the rest of our bodies are decaying in the grave, we'll still sing! Even beyond the life of our bodies, our eternal souls will resound His praise!

Tonight I want us to consider, not the worship we give to God now, but rather of worship we give Him then, on the other side of the grave.

Our worship services today have basically three elements: praise, prayer and preaching. In heaven there will be no prayer because we will be in the presence of God. There will be no need to intercede or lay petitions before Him. Some of you will be delighted to know that there will be no preaching either. I will be unemployed in heaven. We will have perfect knowledge with no need to be taught. Paul said in 1 Cor.13:12 "...but then I shall know just as I also am known." Our primary occupation in heaven will be eternal praise for our gracious God and King.

I. A View of Eternal Worship.

II. The Reality of Eternal Worship.

III. The Choice is Ours