Choose Productivity

Proverbs 10:4

Have you ever received a gift certificate from someone? They are wonderful aren't they? Take an ordinary piece of paper and exchange it for valuable merchandise. One problem with all of that. Most of them have an expiration date. That means that we have to use it within the alloted time or it becomes worthless. Have you ever put one aside and then realized that the certificate had expired?

Life is like a gift certificate from God. We can use if for the Lord, or we can waste it. The choice is ours. The challenge tonight is to choose to be productive rather than lazy. An attitude of laziness (the Bible refers to this as slothfulness) results in wasting the gifts that God has given to us.

I. Does the Bible Promise Riches?

II. The Opposite of Productivity.

III. Becoming Productive.

Tonight the challenge is to choose to be productive. A person can be busy without being productive. Let's purpose to invest our lives into those things that will last for an eternity. Let's determine that we will replace the spirit of sloth with the spirit with a diligence.

Only one life and soon 'twill be past, Only what's done for Christ will last.