God's Little Ones

Matthew 18:1-14

In the late summer of 1974, the Grace Baptist Temple launched a new ministry. It was the American Christian School. Having completed a recent addition to the church it was immediately put into use. Five years later the name of the school was changed to more closely identify it as a ministry of the church. It became known then as the Grace Baptist Academy. Due to increased growth in the enrollment of the school, plans were made to build again. In April of 1995, we were able to move into our present facilities with an enrollment of 97 students. This year we have enrolled 123 students. To God be the glory!

We welcome all parents and friends of Grace Baptist Academy. We decided to set aside a day simply to highlight this very vital ministry. The Grace Baptist Academy exists today because this church has a vision for reaching today’s young people who will be tomorrow’s leaders. Our vision for children can be evidenced in a solid Sunday school program to minister to every child at their level; an exciting and challenging youth department; and of course the Grace Baptist Academy where we minister the Word of God daily to the boys and girls enrolled.

Recognize all who have children enrolled, those who have had children enrolled in the past, and those involved now and previously in the ministry of Grace Baptist Academy.

Matthew 18:1-14

I. Background:

II. Another Interpretation: Jesus uses the little child as an illustration of one of God's little ones in the family of God.

III. God Desires to See His Family Increase.

God's little ones are saved ones. Are you saved? God's little ones are separated ones. Are you set apart to the Lord? God's little ones are special to the angels, to Jesus, and to the heavenly father. Wouldn't you like to become one of God's children?

You can today! Simply by trusting, as a little child, in the shed blood of Jesus Christ. By asking, humbly as a little child, for Christ to forgive us and save us. It is not God’s will for you to die and go to hell. Be saved today!