Missed Opportunities

Matthew 21:18-22

Read Text:

We've all heard the words of the poet who wrote, "The saddest words of tongue or pen are simply these, It might have been." How often do we miss opportunities to witness for Christ …miss opportunities for service …miss opportunities to worship Him? In our text this evening we have one of the most perplexing event in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ: the cursing of the fig tree. We wonder:

Jesus Christ was and is the all-knowing, all-powerful, and ever-present God of the universe. He never spoke or acted on impulse, but rather He always had a determined purpose in His action. Every time Jesus did something, it was to either to teach man or to help man. His actions here were not an exception. He is teaching His disciples, the nation of Israel, and us some very important truths.

I. Jesus Christ has absolute power over all the physical universe.

II. The Symbolism of the Fig Tree.

III. What are the lessons that we can learn?

Two Verses:

I believe the tears will be there because we realize how we have failed our Savior. When we see those who we could have led to Christ, be cast away into eternal darkness. When we realize just how much time we wasted on things that will mean absolutely nothing in eternity. The opportunities of life will some day be gone forever. Where does this leave us tonight?