Bible Study: The Golden Rule

Matthew 7:12

Golden Rule = Righteousness and justice.

The golden rule is probably the most well known thing Jesus ever said. It is the summit of ethics, behavior, righteousness, and godliness. It is a very practical statement of God's love; that is, God has done to us just as He wants us to do to Him. God has treated us as He wants us to treat Him (and everyone else).

The golden rule reveals the heart of God. It shows us exactly how God's heart longs for us to live and act. It is a simple statement revealing what love really is and what life in a perfect world is like. It tells believers that they are to live as the golden rule dictates while still on the earth before being transferred into the heavenly world or dimension.

There are four significant facts that set the golden rule apart from all other teachings and make it the summit of human behavior.

A one sentence golden rule has to do three things.

Three things are required of men.

It is not enough to know or to believe the golden rule. We must live it.

Two simple rules can revolutionize a person's life (or society itself).

In practice, the golden rule says several things.

Note several significant truths.

Note that Christ says both the golden rule and the two great commandments contain all the law (Mt.7:12; Mt.22:40). The laws of God and the laws of men would both be obeyed if we practiced the golden rule and the two great commandments.