Come to Calvary

Matthew 27:26-36

I often get advertisements for taking a trip to the Holy Land. I think it would be wonderful to go and visit the places that we find described in the pages of Scripture. Let's go today! Not on a plane, but through the Scriptures; and not to the land of Israel as it is now, but to the place where Christ died. While here there are many things to see, hear, and learn.

Read: Matthew 27:26-36

I. When we look , what do we see?

II. When we listen, what do we hear?

III. When we learn, what do we comprehend?

This morning as we prepare for the time of invitation, what does Calvary mean to you? Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior? He died for each of us, to redeem us from sin. Why not come today and receive His forgiveness?