Problems: Criticism

Matthew 7:1

(Mt 7:1) Judge not, that ye be not judged.

All of us have heard that statement made or perhaps we have used it ourselves. However, Scripture must be interpreted in accordance with the whole body of Scripture, and not taken out of context. As I have said before, God expects us to judge, but to judge righteously.

Criticism is either "constructive" or "destructive" in nature. Usually when we think of criticism we think in terms of negative remarks. This form of criticism takes many different forms.

There is absolutely no justification for a believer to use destructive criticism toward others! The destructive critic seeks to promote themselves at the expense of others. It places the critic in a superior position to the one being criticized. It is selfish and is motivated totally by the flesh.

However, there are times when we should confront those whom we love and care about.

In this section of our study, I want to consider two aspects of criticism: How to take it and how to give it. First we will discuss how to take criticism from others.

I. Defining Criticism

II. Receiving Criticism is a Mark of Wisdom.

III. The Benefit of Receiving Criticism.

IV. Viewing Criticism through the Lens of the Cross.

V. We Need to Learn to Apply these Principles to Both Just and Unjust Criticism.