Sweet Hour of Prayer #1: Praise

Matthew 6:9-13

There are a number of Jesus' prayers recorded in Scripture, but only once did He say, "After this manner therefore pray ye:" Jesus left his disciples with just one prayer as an example upon which to base their praying.

The first ten words of this important prayer provide the believer with a biblical foundation for beginning prayer with a season of praise. "Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." 'Hallowed' is from the same root word as 'holy' and 'sanctify'. It means to set apart for a purpose. So our prayer time should include in the first few moments some time to set apart God's name as the object of our worship. During these moments our sole purpose should be to bring God glory with our words. Ps. 50:23a, "Whoso offereth praise glorifieth me..." So the first section on our 'prayer clock' should be praise.

I. What is Praise?

II. How to Praise God in Prayer.

The possibilities for praise stretch beyond the limits of our imagination. Because God has no limit, our praise is limitless. We need to be careful not to get in a hurry and rush past the time of praise in our prayers. We need to allow God to reveal new themes of worship as we praise Him.