Some Things that Haven’t Changed

Matthew 16:18

Welcome to the 36th anniversary service of the Grace Baptist Temple of Bloomington, Indiana. This morning we are not celebrating the works of man, but we are rejoicing in what God has done over the past 36 years.

In January of 1960, a small group of people gathered together to organize the Grace Baptist Temple. Some of those folks are still here today!

A lot of changes have taken place over the past 36 years. Buildings have been built (some have been torn down), pastors and staff personnel have come and gone, families have been reached with the gospel, missionaries have been supported and sent out, sermons and lessons have been taught, members have come and gone, and through it all, God has been glorified. We could spend a lot of time reflecting upon the changes that have come about over time, but today I want to draw your attention to some things that haven’t changed.

I. We Haven’t Changed Our Name.

II. We Haven’t Changed Our Rule for Faith and Practice.

III. We Haven’t Changed the Primary Focus of this Church: Reaching Others.

Some things have not changed, and for that I am thankful. The grace of God has not changed, because the need of man is still the same. We need a Savior! This morning, if you have never accepted Christ as your Savior, God’s grace is extended to you today. Would you come and place your trust in Christ today?

Are you serving God with your life today? Why not come this morning and commit your life to Him. Maybe you need to come this morning and place your membership in this church. Come today. Perhaps you have never been Scripturally baptized, why not come and submit yourself today. Whatever the need would you come this morning?