Are You Happy?

Matthew 13:17

One of Webster's definitions for `happy' is: enjoying well-being and contentment. This morning, I want to ask you a question. Are you happy? There are various types of happiness. There is the happiness of wealth, the happiness of health, the happiness of family, the happiness of friends, and the happiness of achievement. But there is only one type of happiness that is permanent: for all the rest of these can ,and most likely will, be lost sometime along the way. However spiritual happiness can last forever!

This morning, if you are without Jesus Christ as your Savior your happiness, if you posess it, is only temporary. But you can be happy in Christ today...if you will be honest with yourself and with God today, you can find lasting happiness.

Christians, we ought to be the happiest people on the face of the earth. People tell me that I smile a lot, there is a reason for that. Don Clay always tells me that he enjoys it when I whistle on Sunday mornings. As believers, God has given us a song in our hearts, and I believe that we should let others know that it is there.

Some fellow had a popular song some time back which repeated the line "Don't Worry, Be Happy". There is just one problem with that thought. True happiness is not something that we produce, it is something that we posess! I want to give you some reasons for being happy today, and if reminding you of these don't make you happy, then you need to spend some time with the Lord.

I. Happiness Is Knowing That God Is Your Father.

II. Happiness Is Knowing That I Have A Good Church Home.

III. Happiness Is Knowing:

Conclusion: Are you happy today? Do you know that God is your Heavenly Father? Have you been born again? Do you have a good church home? Are you living your life in accordance with the Word of God? Are you serving Him today? Do you know that when you die, you will spend eternity with Christ in heaven?

All of this you can know today! You find a happiness that will not end! Come today and meet God at this altar.

Christian, there is no excuse for your not being happy. Unless sin has robbed you of your joy. 1 Jn. 1:9 tells us that if we confess our sin, He is faithful to forgive and to cleanse. Do you need to come this morning?