Witness & Ministry

Mark 1:14-17

Read text. Do we believe this Scripture? Of course we do! But is it true in our lives? Have we become "fishers of men" since we began to follow Him? If not, why not? Jesus said, "I will make you to become fishers of men." Not I can make you, or I might make you, but I will make you.

The tendency today in the church is to be "program oriented" rather than "people oriented". The church was meant to be a specific local gathering of people where the Pastor would teach, preach, and equip the saints for the work of the ministry. Therefore, each individual believer, being gifted of God, was to be responsive to the Word of God and active in the work of God.

Because of unresponsiveness and unproductiveness on the part of the majority of believers, the church has chosen to substitute schemes and programs to compensate for their failure. But how effective have we been with our programs? Note the results of a survey taken a few years ago. The survey asks the question "How do people come into a relationship with Christ and the church?"

Let's take an informal survey here tonight, and see if this really true. If it is then we should rethink how we witness and minister to our local community.

I. Essential Attitudes for Witnessing.

II. Genuine Witness.

Conclusion: Jesus said, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me..." Have we failed in our witness? Have we been living a life that witnesses to those about us? Make no mistake, no one will be saved simply by watching our lives. Somewhere along the way we must give them the gospel message, but how we live our lives before them will determine how responsive they will be to that all important message.

Do we have compassion for the lost? Are we willing to make contact with them? Then will we care for them by ministering to their need? Are we willing to pay what it may cost? These are questions that each of us must come to grips with if we desire to "become fishers of men"!

Let's let God have His way this evening. Whatever the need tonight, won't you come?