Do You Believe?

Mark 9:14-29

(Mark 9:24) "And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."

Unbelief is a great enemy to the cause of Christ. This passage presents three groups or individuals, which suffer from a form of unbelief. We see the scribes, the father, and the disciples. As we consider the passage today, the question we must answer is this, "Do we believe?"

I. The Scribes Illustrate a Callous Unbelief.

II. The Father Illustrates Shaken Unbelief.

III. The Disciples - Careless Unbelief.

Do you believe? Maybe you've heard the gospel before… you know it inside out…but you just refuse to believe it. Trust Christ today!

Maybe other believers in the past have shaken your faith. Christ rebuked the father's unbelief, because it showed that the man's perspective was wrong. He was watching the Lord's servants, rather than the Lord. Don't allow the sin of unbelief to remain in your life just because other believers have disappointed you. It is your responsibility as a believer to keep your eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ, and to just BELIEVE!

This morning, we need to be careful that we do not grow complacent, or overconfident. Forgetting that it is only through our faith in Jesus Christ that we can be victorious. Do we believe?

(Mark 9:23) "Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth."