The Path of Least Resistance

Luke 13:23-30

Electricity is an amazing thing. We tend to take it for granted that when we flip the switch, the lights will come on. We can't see it, smell it, or taste it, but it is there! One of the first things I learned about electricity, I didn't learn from a classroom or a book. Electricity always takes the path of least resistance. I found out at a very early age that our bodies have very little resistance to electrical current. Reaching for the light socket in our garage; I also discovered how to dance.

It seems to be true in nature also; rivers flow in the path of least resistance, the wind will take the path of least resistance, even mankind will take the path of least resistance. But man has the ability to choose the path he takes. Even though we have the ability to choose, we usually will take the path of least resistance. Shall we take the stairs or wait for the elevator?

This is certainly true in the spiritual realm. It is easy to go along with the majority of people. It's easy to not take a stand against sin. For many years I went through life traveling an easy path spiritually, because there was no resistance at all because I seldom ever thought in those terms. However, this morning I want to draw your attention to a couple of Scripture passages that reveals that the path of least resistance spiritually is not the best path to follow.

Read: Luke 13:23-30

I. A Question Asked but Not Answered v23

II. The Exhortation Given v24

III. The Opportunity Lost.

There is no need for anyone to go there. God's grace is so amazing that His desire is for you to come to Him by faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ and be saved today. Do not take the path of least resistance…come to Jesus this morning. Pause just for a moment and consider your path in life. Is it where you want to be? Are you on the right path…the one that will lead to life everlasting? We have the ability to change our direction…that is called repentance. We can change the path that we are on, we do that by choosing to place our faith in Jesus Christ.