The Three Crosses

Luke 23:32-43

Two thousand years ago, an angry mob persuaded Pilate to release Barabbas and to deliver Jesus to be crucified. He and two others were led out of the city of Jerusalem and to the hill called Calvary. There, upon three crosses, these three were put to death. We usually fix our attention upon Christ's cross, but on that day people who passed by saw three crosses.

In some respects, the three crosses are alike. All three men suffered agonizing pain, raging thirst, nakedness, and shame. On one cross we see a man dying in his sin, another dying to his sin, and Christ dying for our sin. Let us consider each of these three crosses by looking at the men who died upon them.

I. The Dying Sinner. v39

II. The Dying Savior.

III. The Dying Saint.

On one was a dying sinner who rejected Jesus and went out into a Christ less eternity; on the other cross was a dying sinner who became a dying saint because of God's wonderful grace; and on the cross in the middle was a dying Savior who died for both of these men and for the whole world! Can you see it today?

On which side of Christ's cross are you? Are you on the side that rejects Him or are you on the side that receives Him? If you would like to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior all it takes is repentance and faith.

Will you come this morning? If you are a Christian today then your life ought to be characterized by love. Does it?

You ought to:

Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, sin had left a crimson stain,, He washed it white as snow. Will you come?