Happy Father's Day

Luke 1:17

Read: 1:13-17 The angel Gabriel appeared to Zacharias the priest to tell him about his son that would soon be born. John the Baptist was to have a tremendous ministry. Part of that ministry is described for us in verse 17, "to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children". Since today is Fathers Day, I want to deviate from our current study through the gospel of John and focus on the subject of 'Fathers'. Somehow Father's Day doesn't seem quite as important as Mother's Day, and it may only be a marketing ploy to sell more greeting cards, but I would like to address those of us who are fathers, especially fathers who still have children at home. This is a very important time to be a father. The children born between 1976 and 1996 represent one fourth of America's population. This generation is called "The Millennials," or "The Bridgers" because they are the bridge to the new millennium. For at least the next half-century, they will be the most influential people in the world. If you are a dad, some of them probably live in your house; but maybe not, because many Bridgers do not live with their fathers. At any given time, nearly one-third of all children 18 and under do not live in the same home with their fathers, and less than half spend their entire childhood with both of their parents.

Fathers are supposed to provide for the material needs of their families. They are supposed to teach the difference between right and wrong, and to show what it means to be gentle as well as strong. Fathers, more than anyone else, teach their sons what it means to be men and their daughters what it means to be women. Bridgers are being raised in a world without absolutes. Although they have some interest in spiritual things, they have little or no interest in organized religion. They have been trained to be suspicious of anyone who claims to know the truth. Listen to these sobering statistics, while 60% of their grandparents, 40% of their parents, and even 25% of their older siblings claim to be Christians, only 4% of the Millennial generation will profess faith in Jesus Christ. What can dads do about this? To put the question another way, what can a father do to promote the spiritual welfare of his home?

I. Improve His Own Spiritual Walk With God

II. Love and Cherish His Wife

III. Provide For His Family In All Ways

How can a father promote the spiritual welfare of his home and family?

  1. Improve his own spiritual walk with God.
  2. Love And Cherish His Wife
  3. Provide For His Family In All Ways

In retrospect, I know I could have done a better in every one of these areas…we all could · But it's never too late to begin!