The Ministry of a Servant

Luke 14:16-24

(1 Cor 3:9) "For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building."

Here the apostle Paul makes a statement that seems a bit unusual. God is the Sovereign Almighty Creator of the universe. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. The Bible tells us that He is above all and beyond our full comprehension. But He has chosen us to be co-laborers with Him! Isn't that the most amazing thing that you have ever thought about?

Now some would say that Paul is talking about those who are called into "The Ministry". I would have to agree. But all too often we view "The Ministry" as an occupational field like the military or the medical profession. Although it can be the path that many take as far as their life's work is concerned, it should not be narrowed to only mean this. All of us, whether we are 'occupational ministers' or not, should be involved in ministry.

Now as co-laborers with God we need to understand that there are some things that God has told us to do, and we should be obedient. Now there are other things that God has reserved for Himself. We cannot do what God has reserved for Himself, and He will not do what He has commanded us to do. We are 'co-laborers together with God'.

Read: Luke 14:16-24 Let's consider this passage this morning and see a number of important things concerning the ministry. For the application of this parable we want to identify the characters. The guests represent those who are without Christ; the servants represent the believers in Christ; and of course the Master represents the Lord. I know that there are several spiritual applications and meanings to this passage, but I want to focus on what it says concerning ministry.

I. The Purpose of the Ministry. v23-24

II. The People of the Ministry:

III. The Result of the Ministry.

We are co-laborers with God. Our job is to fill His house and feed His lambs. His job is to save their souls. Will we do what God has called us to do or will we make excuses? Go out quickly…the time is short. What we do for Christ, we must do now…we dare not put it off.

Have you heard the Master's call today? Perhaps you need to come and accept Christ as your Savior today, come now. Maybe there are those here who have not been focusing on what the Master wants from His servants. Will you come today and surrender to His will in your life. Will you go out and compel them to come in?

Whatever the need, the invitation is for you. Come today before it is too late.