Cries from Calvary

Luke 23:32-38

"And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary..." This morning I would like us to turn our attention to the place called Calvary and to the event that took place there nearly two thousand years ago. We might wonder how that something that took place so long ago and so far away could have any impact upon our lives today, but the crucifixion of Christ was not just another historical event. From God's point of view the death of Christ is the focal point of time and eternity. All Christian truth finds meaning and unity in the cross. The death, burial, and resurrection of Christ is the grand theme of the Old Testament, the climax of the four Gospels, and the content of the messages of the New Testament epistles. This morning as we go to Calvary look and listen to what is taking place there. The Lamb of God is being sacrificed for you and for me. For six hours Jesus will hang on that old rugged cross; suspended between heaven and earth. Seven times He will speak. Let's listen carefully to hear what is being said.

I. The Cry of Forgiveness: 'Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do' v33

II. The Cry of Salvation: "…Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise." v43

III. The Cry of Provision: 'Woman, behold thy son! ... Behold thy mother' John 19:25-27

Time passes, darkness gathers over Golgotha at noonday. Perhaps a strange hush comes over the angry crowd as we hear yet another cry…

IV. The Cry of Desertion: 'My God, My God why hast thou forsaken me?' Mk. 15:29-34

V. The Cry of Suffering: "I thirst" Jn. 19:28

VI. The Cry of Victory: "It is finished" Jn. 19:30

VII. The Cry of Death: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit" Luke 23:46

We have heard His cries from Calvary, but do we hear His cries today? To those who have never received Him He cries:

To the believer, His plea is for us to represent Him in this world. We are to be His hands, His feet, and His mouth today. What are we doing, where are we going, and what are we saying?

What is your need today? Come to Christ now.