First things first

Luke 9:57-62

Elijah came to the home of a widow and her son. She was about to starve to death, with only enough food for her son and herself to have one last meal together. Elijah, the man of God, said for her to first prepare him a meal. He promised her that there would be plenty for her son and her to enjoy later.

The abundant Christian life is not something to just talk about, but it is something to experience. All too often people come to Christ for salvation and they never continue with Him in order to realize the blessing of an abundant life with Him.

Jerry Falwell has given away hundreds of thousands of little lapel pins which simply say, 'Jesus First'. A message that is so simple that perhaps millions of Christians have overlooked it. The key to living the abundant life as a Christian is to "Put Jesus First In Your Life"!

Read: Luke 9:57-62

This is a passage that has been abused and misused by many to prove a false doctrinal point with regard to an individual losing their salvation. The fact is, however, that this passage does not deal with salvation, but it deals with service. Within this scripture we find three individuals who came to Jesus with regard to service. Each one of these meetings illustrates the need to put Jesus first in your life. 1) Put Jesus before the future 2) Put Jesus before the present 3) Put Jesus before the past.

I. Put Jesus Before the Future. v57-58

II. Put Jesus Before the Present. v59-60

III. Put Jesus Before the Past. v61-62

We must put first things first in our lives! We must give Jesus His rightful place! That is the key to the abundant life. Come to Jesus Christ and He will give you eternal life! Come after Him as His disciple, and He will give you life more abundant!

Put Jesus Before the Future. Put Jesus Before the Present. Put Jesus Before the Past.