The Man In Hell Never Asked

Luke 16:22-31

It is interesting to notice the conversation of this man. He asks for several things: For someone to dip the tip of their finger in water and cool off his tongue and for someone to be sent to his home. Let's consider several things he never requests.

I. First, he does not ask, "Why am I here?"

II. He never asked "Why is Lazarus in heaven?"

III. He never ask, "When is this torment going to end?"

IV. Another thing the man never asked is, "When do I get out?"

V. The man in hell never asked for justice.

VI. He never asked for company.

If you are here this morning without Christ, you are on your way to an eternal hell. Don't go there! Come to Christ and find the grace to save your soul.

Christians, are we warning those along the way of the dangers of continuing down the path of destruction? Hell is real, eternity is long, and there will be no escape!