Four Great Losses

Luke 19:10

Probably one of the worst feelings that a person can experience is the feeling of loss. You can see it in the faces of those standing helplessly outside of their home watching it burn to ground. We see it in the faces of those who have received the news of a loved one or close friend who has passed away. Recently we saw it the faces of the young people who failed to win their contests at the Olympics.

Certainly all of us have experienced those feelings of loss at some time or another. Yet, as difficult as those losses may be, there are even greater losses that are experienced every day. This morning I want to talk about four of those great losses.

I. THE LOST BOOK: cf 2 Kings 22:8

II. THE LOST CHRIST: cf Luke 2:41-52

III. The Lost Opportunity: cf Luke 16:19-31

IV. The Lost Soul: cf Luke 12:16-21

This morning, what is our need? Have we lost the Book? Have we forsaken the Christ who loved us so much that He died for us? Have we lost the opportunities that God has given to us to serve? Do you need to trust Christ as Savior this morning? Come today and find all we need in Him.