
Joshua 1:10-18

Israel's long period of wanderings was ended. They were forty years making their way to the land God wanted to give them when it could have been a journey of but 11 days by the shortest route. For forty years they were outside of God's best for them. It had taken them two years to get to the place where they had sent out the 12 spies. They had spent another 38 years in wanderings in the desert due to their unbelief and disobedience.

But now they were making ready to follow Joshua's leadership and enter in. The former generation had refused to let God direct them. They had lost out, now a generation was alive, grown, and ready to enter into the Promised Land. God had not forsaken them over those years. God never fails, He fulfills that which He has promised; He completes that which He begins.

They were looking toward Jordan's stormy banks. They were encamped on the east aide, facing toward Jericho. However, before they could cross over and enter into the land that God had given them, some preparation was needed.

I. The Preparation For Physical Needs: v10-11

II. The Preparation For Obedience: v12-15

III. The Preparation For Victory. v16-18

Joshua was prepared now, the people were prepared now, and in three days they would enter into the land God had promised them. Victory requires some preparation. The same is true for us this evening. We must prepare to possess all that God has for us. Let's not be willing to settle for second best!