Physicians of No Value

Job 13:4

(Job 13:4) "But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value."

Most of us are familiar with the story of Job. In the opening chapters we find that there is a confrontation between Satan and God. In the course of time, God allows Satan to attack Job in a number of ways to test his character. He lost his family, his possessions, and his health. Yet he still maintained his integrity before God. As the book unfolds we are introduced to several of his so-called 'friends' who come by to speak with him.

The majority of the book is made up of these conversations between Job and his 'friends'. They are accusatory and Job is defensive. As the book comes to a close God restores to Job all that was lost and more. Our text this morning comes from one of the many dialogues between Job and his 'friends'. Job tells them, that rather than offering any help, they are nothing more than 'physicians of no value.' I think you understand what Job is trying to say here.

There is nothing quite so frustrating as to go to the doctor (who is supposed to be able to offer some relief and some help in times of pain and suffering) only to have them tell us that they don't know or they can't help.

Let me make some observations and applications to our situation today. We understand that Jesus is the great Physician. He is the One who can meet our needs…He is the One who can ease our pain…He is the One who can heal our hurts... But we, as believers, are His representatives to a sick and hurting world today.

Remember when the man brought his son to Jesus for help. He told him that he had brought the boy to the disciples, but they could not cure him.

God help us as a church, and God help us as believers to able to help those who are hurting. May it not be said of us, 'they are physicians of no value.' How can we become of value to those who are hurting?

I. We Must Recognize the Need.

II. We Must Have a Clear Understanding of Duty.

III. We Must Be People of Vision.

Perhaps you are hurting today…may I encourage you to come today and allow us to minister to you. Perhaps you have been challenged by the message concerning our walk with Christ. May we not be 'physicians of no value' to those around us who are hurting. Come today and let God have His way in our lives.