Is There Any Word from the Lord?

Jeremiah 37:17

Read: Jeremiah 37:1-21

Zedekiah had made an alliance with Egypt to rebel against Babylon. Note: v2-3 Zedekiah and the people did not want to listen to the message of Jeremiah, but they wanted him to pray for them. Later they imprisoned Jeremiah falsely charged as a traitor. Now, in v17, Zedekiah comes to him secretly to see if Jeremiah had a message from the Lord. Jeremiah's message had not changed! Babylon would come and be victorious over the king and the city of Jerusalem.

There is always a message from God for those who ask. It may not always be the message we would like to hear, but God always has a word for us. This morning God has a message for you regardless of who you are and what your relationship to Him might be. Let's take a moment this morning to hear the "word from the Lord".

I. The Message to the Unsaved.

II. The Message to the Backslidden.

III. The Message to the Child of God.

Conclusion: Zedekiah asked Jeremiah, "Is there any word from the Lord?" The answer was yes! God is not silent! He has spoken to us through His Word. He has a message for every man, woman, boy and girl here today!

The question is this, Will you listen and heed the message? It may not be the message that you wanted to hear, but it is the message that we all need to hear and obey this morning.

If you are here this morning without Christ, you need to repent and put your faith in Jesus today, there is no time to waste! If you are saved, but you know in your heart that you are backslidden, you need to come back to God now! Don't waste another moment of your life. Christians, give the Lord your life. Turn it over to Him and allow Him to use you in His service as He sees fit. Present yourselves a living sacrifice! Do it today!