Article V: Of Creation

Genesis 1:1

To profess to believe the express declaration of Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," is to be branded by society as being naive and unscientific. After all, everybody knows the theory of evolution is really fact! So stated by Sir Julian Huxley in 1959, "Darwin's theory is no longer a theory but a fact. No serious scientist would deny that evolution has occurred, just as he would not deny the fact that the earth goes round the sun."

The theory of evolution is the idea that life came into existence by a purely natural process according to the principles which are operative on our time level, that no special or supernatural activity or intervention was necessary, that all the forms of life we know today have descended from a single, or, at most, a few common ancestors, and that man descended from animal ancestors.

Some would contend that the argument over origins is unnecessary. Does it really matter? YES! If the Word of God is wrong in Genesis 1 and 2, it cannot be trusted anywhere else! Can't we believe in both? NO! Some have tried to blend the two, but the hybrid results are unacceptable.

I. Consider the Genesis Account.

II. The Importance of Creation.

III. Faulty Thinking Concerning Creation.

Conclusion: Creation and Evolution are noncompatible. We believe that God's Word is true. God said what He meant and meant what He said. My faith is not shaken by so-called scientific discoveries.

Hebrews 11:3, "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear." Jesus told Thomas, "...blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." Jn.20:29

We believe the literal account of creation just as much as the literal account of salvation! Where is your faith tonight? Is it in the Word of God or the words of men?