Do Not Be Afraid

Genesis 15:1

As we prepare to close out this year, it has been one that has truly been difficult. It began while we were still reeling from the impact of the attacks of 9/11. We have been anticipating another war, and it seems to be getting closer and closer to a reality. Corporate failures have devastated multitudes as they watched their retirement investments fade away with no hope of return. Face it folks, our lives will never be the same again. We cannot turn back the pages of time however inviting that might be.

Few people look to the New Year with eagerness, most look at 2003 with a great deal of fear in their hearts. As God's people, we are instructed to fear God, but not the future. But practically, how in the world can we not fear what is to come in the next year. I want to focus your attention this evening on some biblical truths that will enable us to look forward without fear of what might happen.

Sixty three times in the Bible we find the command from God, 'fear not'. Twenty six times we are told to 'be not afraid'. Now obviously God knew that we would be afraid of many things in our lives. And fear is a powerful emotion! It can certainly overwhelm us and at times render us totally ineffective. We find that God uses these phrases from the beginning and throughout the Bible. How can we not fear? Let me give you a few thoughts on this today.

I. Fear Not: Because Of God's Eternal Presence

II. Fear Not: Because of God's Eternal Provision

III. Fear Not: Because of God's Eternal Purpose.

I. Fear Not: Because of God's Eternal Presence

II. Fear Not: Because of God's Eternal Provision

III. Fear Not: Because of God's Eternal Purpose.