What Kind of Harvest?

Galatians 6:7-8

Read: Galatians 6:7-8

This is springtime, and Spring is characterized by planting. It is a time to plant garden vegetables, a time to plant flowers, and for farmers, it is a time to plant their crops. Now planting presupposes that there will be a time to harvest. So springtime is a very busy time of the year for most folks, and they look forward to the time when they will be able to see the results of our labor.

Perhaps that is why 'Mother's Day' was established during this time of year. Mothers are always busy and Mothers are always planting. I'm not just referring to gardening though, I'm talking about the influence of Mothers upon their children. There are seeds a mother plants in the lives of her children that will grow and develop into that child's character and personality. NOTE: 2 Timothy 1:1-7.

In this passage, the apostle Paul writes to Timothy and we can observe that Timothy's mother did some planting in his life. We see the results now in the life of a young man that becomes a great example to us. Notice some of the seeds planted by Timothy's mother that have now come to fruit. They are seeds that need to be continually planted by mothers everywhere.

I. Background

II. Some Seeds His Mother Planted

IlI. What are we planting?

This morning we have viewed the results of one mother's influence in the life of her son. Parents, mothers and fathers alike, our lives are an influence on many people, but most of all upon our children. And that influence will live on even after we are gone. What about our influence this morning? Is it pleasing to God?

Are you born again? By that I mean do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? Have you accepted His finished work on Calvary as payment for your sin. Are you saved this morning? If not, why not come and let us take the Word of God and show you how you can have eternal life? The invitation is for you to come, whatever the need. Come now and commit yourselves to God.