The Names of God - Jehovah-Nissi

Exodus 17:15

Over the past several weeks we have been looking at the various ways that God has revealed Himself to us in Scripture indicated by His names. Each name that God uses for Himself reveals to us an aspect of His character that helps us to know Him better.

Tonight we come to another of the names that God has used to reveal Himself to us. It is also a combined name: Jehovah-Nissi. It comes from another very important biblical event. After leaving Marah where God healed the bitter waters, they arrive in Rephidim only to find that there was no water there at all! Read: Ex 17:1-7

I. The First Attack - Amalek v8

II. God Brings Victory and a New Name v13-16

III. Why We Need Jehovah-Nissi

Are we depending upon our Jehovah-Nissi for victory? The attacks will come, but He will never leave us nor forsake us.