God Above All Others

Exodus 20:3; 34:14

(Exo 20:3) "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

(Exo 34:14) "For thou shalt worship no other god: for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God:" Over the last several weeks we have been focusing upon God in hopes that we can get to know Him better. He is a great and mighty God! Today we want to consider some of His characteristics that remind us that He is God above all others. All other 'so-called' gods in the world fall miserably in comparison.

I. The Sovereignty of God.

II. The Immutability of God

III. Knowing the Infinite God.

With this definition of knowing God in mind, if someone examined our life, would he conclude that we know God?

All of us would want to be quick to say that others would be able to tell that we know and love God. But let's honestly evaluate where our lives don't measure up to this claim.

Have we trusted in Him? For our salvation? Do we trust in Him daily? If not, then we cannot truly know Him. He is a Sovereign God who doesn't change. He is a God above all; do we know Him?