Practical Christianity Series - Our Testimony on the Job

Colossians 3:23

Over the last few weeks we have been addressing the issue of our walk with Christ, and how we can be more effective in our witness to others. We have talked about the impact on our friends, and how to treat others. Tonight I want us to consider what I believe may be the most important area of all when it comes to our witness and testimony. We live in a very specialized society. From auto mechanics to medical doctors, it seems specialties are the order for today's society. So much so that we find ourselves placing different areas of our lives into special categories. Church is church, work is work, family is family, and we keep things in their own separate categories. Now that may sound good and orderly, but it isn't at all what God intended for us to do with our lives. He wants to be involved in every part of our lives! Tonight I want us to consider our testimony on the job. The Scriptural principle is found in Colossians 3:23, "And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;"

Work is described as physical or mental effort or activity directed toward the production or accomplishment of something. We are called to work for the Lord. As a matter of fact, we will give an accounting of our work when we stand before Christ at the Judgment Seat.

As believers we often forget that we are Christians in the work place 40-50 hours a week while we are Christians in our church perhaps 2-3 hours a week. Our opportunity to produce and accomplish things for our Lord is multiplied many times over when we consider our time on the job. I want to draw attention to some thoughts concerning our testimony on the job.

I. What is the Most Spiritual Thing A Christian Can Do On The Job?

II. Some Practical Ways To Achieve A Better Testimony At Work.

We spend so much of our lives 'on the job'. Let's not squander those hours away. We need to take every opportunity that God gives, and use it to its fullest.