Three Reasons God Allows Adversity

Acts 9:1-8


God allows adversity, anguish, trials, tribulations, and heartaches to be valuable lessons of experience in our lives. These adversities can bring us to a higher level of insight and understanding. They can also change our perception or view of the world around us and our relationship with God. Adversity can also lead us to change our behavior.

The Lord is the ultimate teacher and we should look to him for the meaning or the lesson he is giving us from adversity. First we have to be willing to acknowledge that the adversity that we are going through can bring about something positive in our lives. We need to remember that God desires for adversity to have a good and beneficial purpose in making us more like Jesus Christ. With all of this in mind we can ask ourselves a question when adversity strikes:

What reason may the Lord have for this adversity in my life? God Allows Adversity For Three Reasons: 1) To get our attention 2) To lead us into self-examination 3) To bring us to a place where we will change our belief or our behavior

I. God Uses Adversity To Get Our Attention

Note Psalm 25:1-7

This is a prayer that David has written that we can apply to our lives when the Lord gets our attention with adversity. We should respond quickly and humbly to him and listen to what he is saying to us.

II. Adversity Leads To Examination.

III. The Effective Lesson Leads to Change in Behavior

Questions for Thought:

Can you recall an experience in your life in which you believe the Lord got your attention? How did you respond it? What was the result?

Can you recall an experience in which you believe the Lord led you to examine a particular area of your life in a specific and focused way? Was it a painful experience for you? How did you respond to it? What was the result?