What's Different About GBT

I Thess. 1:1-10

Many people have mentioned to me, after visiting our services, that Grace Baptist Temple is different. I take that as a compliment whether it is always meant that way or not. People look at a church from different perspectives. Some view it as a social club where they can meet people and enjoy one another's company. I hope that Grace Baptist will always be a place where people can feel welcome and find new friends, but it isn't a social club. Others look at a church as some sort of welfare society. You would be amazed at the requests I receive almost weekly! One fellow wanted money for a motel room, because he and his wife had argued and he decided to leave her. Many others expect us to pay their rent, utility bills, travel expenses, and a host of other things. Recently a lady stopped by the church one evening after services, her story was that she was on her way back home to Chicago and had no gas. I took her down to the Shell station and she was only able to put about 5 gallons of gas in her tank. Occaisonally, I will help someone like her, who I think has a genuine need. But have never received a thank you or a God bless you from anyone. When I refused to pay one fellows rent, he asked me if I knew where there was a church who cared about people. I asked him where he was attending. He responded, "I'm not interested in that right now." Amazing! We do help those in need, but we are not a welfare agency.

Some view the church as a status symbol. "We belong to the first church." Recently a young person, whose family had been attending here at Grace, told Randy, "We go to a big church now." If you are looking for that kind of status, you won't find it here. The only status that amounts to anything is to be able to hear, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."

Others look at a church as some sort of ego-builder. One lady called for information about the church. She asked about my preaching. She said she wasn't interested in coming to a church where she got yelled at all the time. Some folks want a church that will stroke their ego and tell them how spiritual they are. Paul told Timothy that in the last days "they will not endure sound doctrine". I hope that my messages are an encouragement, and a challenge to live for God!

So what makes Grace Baptist Temple different from other churches? Note: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10



Conclusion: Yes, there is something different about Grace Baptist Temple. It has been this way for thirty years. Pray that it remains different, for the glory of God!

Tonight, do you need to rededicate yourself to this church and its ministry? Perhaps you are here tonight and you desire to unite with this church. Maybe there is a need in your life tonight that you just need to come and pray about. Whatever the reason, you come as we give the invitation.