Can God Really Meet My Need?

I Kings 17:1-24

In just a few days we will gather together with friends and family to celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a time of love…because it is the reminder of the greatest expression of love that has ever been given. It is great because it was given to meet the greatest need of mankind. The Father gave His Son and the Son gave His life that we might be saved!

In an expression of our love for others, we will give gifts as well. However, when we give gifts we sometimes are more concerned with the 'giving' than we are the 'need'. That is why we all have closets or cupboards with things that we do not need…or sometimes even want!

There is a common element that unites all peoples of the world. There is one thing that every person in this room has in common: we all have needs!

What are we to do when needs arise? The natural reaction is for us to worry, but we know from the Bible that this is not God's will for our lives.

Should we try to meet our own needs? The simply answer is "Yes!" When we have is within our power to help ourselves then we do not really have a need, do we? What I am referring to are those times when we have reached the end of the line. We have done everything we know to do to meet our own need. We have exhausted every resource and we are left with the reality of our own inability staring us in the face. What do we do then?

The answer is at once simple, yet deeply profound. It is an answer given by the mouth of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. His answer to getting the needs of life met was this, "And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God." Mark 11:22.

When our needs arise, so do our doubts! The enemy whispers to our hearts, "Can God really meet your needs?" If we aren't careful, we might find ourselves wondering the same thing! I would like to ask and answer that question this morning. "Can God Really Meet My Need?" The answer is "Yes, God can!" Let's look at our text today.

Read: 1 Kings 17:1-24

I. Needs Will Arise.

II. Our God Can and Will Meet Our Needs.

III. How We Can Get Our Needs Met.

Can God meet my needs? Yes, He can and He will!

If your need is salvation, come today and have faith in God, He will save you. If your need is strength, come today and have faith in God, He will give you strength. Whatever your need, come today and have faith in God, He will not fail you.